Friday, July 20, 2012

Top 5 Air Ambulance Warnings

Okay, not everyone has an advanced degree in air ambulance basics. But, there might come a day when you find yourself needing these services. If so, there are 5 warnings you could listen to now that might save your life then. Here we go: (1) don?t ever opt into some payment plan with the company (probably a scam), (2) avoid brokers, (3) don?t fly in old aircraft, (4) make sure the staff is trained, and (5) make sure you have at least two pilots.

With numerous individuals using these types of services on an annual basis, their safety depends on the ability of the aircraft pilots to skillfully navigate mid-air real estate. Studies show the hazard of injuries are massively lowered when there are two skilled and educated jet pilots on board. Therefore, it?s recommended to choose merchants who can provide you with the proper number of pilots for a professional medical voyage.

Before you charter a flight like this, the provider should be able to tell you four things: what will be done to ensure air transportation safety, how payment arrangements will be handled, how long the trip will take, and what will be done to keep you safe on board.

Air travel safety is probably the single most important important factor to consider before you hire an emergency transportation company. Most air ambulances are required to undergo regular scheduled maintenance, but sometimes carriers let this lapse. Furthermore, there have been reports of old and unserviced planes being used in communities with budget concerns. Always ask to see a copy of the latest inspection. Payment arrangements are often ignored until the end, but basic preparations like contacting your insurance agent can save you a fortune.

The trips duration will vary depending on your situation, but the air ambulance flight director should be able to give you an idea in advance of how long the trip will be. Finally, the company should be able to tell you what they plan to do to keep you safe while on board. Surprisingly, safety features like harnesses, rails, and mechanical doors are considered ?optional? by some vendors.


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